Music Streaming App Like Spotify
It has been seen that now lot more people are now looking for top Android App Development Company as they want to build their music streaming app like Spotify. Earlier people used to download their favorite songs and music from internet from some websites and save them on their PCs or laptops. But now the time has changed and now people are shifting to online music mobile applications or web services rather than downloading. 
This is the era of mobility and mobile apps are making things easier for users as well as the app owners which offer amazing features into the apps. Now we can see mobile apps in almost all sectors and fields as they provide a new and effective way to offer improved customer interaction. New trending technologies have transformed the way people interact with music as now people prefer online mediums and mobile apps to listen to their favorite music. 
You too can Hire Android App Developer to build your music app if you are determined to build one such app for you. There are many music streaming apps in the market which help the users to track, listen, purchase and sort the playlist as per their choice. Spotify is one such music streaming app which is the most popular app in this category. Why these kinds of music streaming apps are in great demand? That’s because they offer effortless utilization and exceptional user experience which make the users connected with these. In this article, I am going to discuss about how to develop a music app like Spotify. Let’s first know more about the Spotify app so that you can understand more about music streaming apps.

Spotify – Seamless Way to Search Music Online

Spotify was first launched in 2008 and it is still getting very high usage from the users who love to use this as their on the go music library. They just need a smartphone and an internet connection to access to millions of their favorite songs anywhere and anytime. Spotify gave tough competition to the Apple’s iTunes and it is still topmost music apps for Android smartphones. A recent research report revealed that now people highly prefer online music services than the downloaded ones. This encourages creative business entrepreneurs to develop an app similar to Spotify to attract music lovers. Actually most of them just want a clone app of Spotify having the potential to hold millions of tracks and songs.
So many businesses and people are looking for App Development Companies in Dubai as they want to launch a clone app of Spotify in the Dubai region and elsewhere in the world. As we know that the busy man of 2019 has no time to wait more and he simply wants everything on demand therefore this tendency has made way for music apps like Spotify. Right now Spotify music streaming app has about 40% marketshare in the music streaming app market and it had gathered a staggering 4.09 billion euros in revenue in just 4 years. Other prominent music streaming apps are Pandora, SounCloud and iHeartRadio. If you too want to enter into this field with your own music streaming app then you are still not late. By reading this article you will learn about many things required to launch your own music app.

Spotify – Before we tell you more let’s first understand the idea behind Spotify.
Idea Behind Spotify

Spotify is the best example of a popular music app. Mobile users have loved this app that’s why it has been rated 4.8 in the Apple App Store and 4.6 in the Google Play Store. The way Spotify works is different from other available music streaming apps on the internet. Spotify tries to make your music time spent in Spotify as reliable and as comfortable as possible. The music which Spotify provides to its users is stored on different servers. While streaming a track on a device, Spotify searches through thousands of servers. There servers are the computers and other gadgets of its users.  In order to get more accuracy, Spotify servers use the cache memory of the user’s devices which has the latest downloaded data.

Spotify – Now let’s discuss how to build a music streaming app like Spotify.
How to Build A Music Streaming App like Spotify?

Spotify has a user base of about 140 million people in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store with over 50 million of them being paying subscribers. In order to achieve this sort of popularity, Spotify promoters have done lots of hard work. Hence now I will tell you about some guidelines from where you can start to build such an app for yourself.

Spotify – Do Thorough Research About Your Idea

Before going for the development phase of your app you need to get and understand the idea of how you want your app to be like. You can search on Google for similar music streaming apps and list their pros and cons. By this way it will be easy for you to proceed in the development of your music app and you will be able to overcome the hurdles easily.

Spotify – Make Proper Plan and Estimate

Although looking at the success of Spotify its looks like that music streaming app industry has lots of potential but you still need to make proper plans and need to do proper research about your target user base i.e. what are their likes, their lifestyle and come up with the best conclusion and the best way to reach them with your MVP. You should be ready to modify your music app as per the preference of your target consumers. 

Spotify – Get the License to Create a Music Streaming App

You can only provide the music streaming service to your customers if you have the proper licenses from the top-notch audio content providers. This license is known as the Public Performance rights in the US. The American Society of composers, authors and publishers or Broadcast Music Inc. are in charge of it while in Europe it is handled by European Stage Authors and Composers. 

Hire Talented Music App Developers

The next step is to hire talented music app developers who will be building your desired app for you. For that you should have some rough estimates also.
Make A Prototype First
You should not skip this step. A prototype is very important in the app development process.
Finalize the MVP First
This is also one of the important step in which you should finalize your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of your music streaming app. 
Do Thorough Testing of Your app
After the development of the app, you should do thorough testing of your app to make sure no required feature is missing and that your app is ready to make big impression in the market.
Now Let’s discuss about some of the important features which are important for your music app.
Features To Be Kept In Mind To Build A Music App Like Spotify
Whether you are a professional or a newbie, you have to include the following features in your music steaming app based on the features of Spotify app. 

Registration and Authorization

In this first section, you should handle the registration of new users and the authorization of users after login into your music app. After users download your app from the App Store, they should get authorized. By this step, the app admin will get all the information he requires for personalizing and sorting music for respective users. In this step, you will get lots of data of users which you can analyze to make your music app more successful and popular. Also provide an option to log into their social media accounts. This will help your app get new subscribers and a strong presence in social media. While building your app make sure this registration process is easy and smooth for the users.

Provide the Best and Popular Music in your App

There should be enough options in settings for different types of users and to select features of the app so that the users can sort the music as per their tastes and preferences. The users might want to create a new playlist or customize the provided playlist according to their choice. A music app having these features will become popular easily.

Easy Way to Search the Tracks

This is the main part of the application as to find the music of their preference, users need to search for them first. To navigate them through the vast collection of songs, this search feature will play the most important role. This functionality will help users to have a complete personalized music experience. In today’s time of on-demand services, users want their preferred tracks displayed in this app without any delay or effort.

Spotify – Socializing the Users Through the Music App

In this feature, the users can follow their favorite musicians and bands, make new friends with whom they would like to share their music experiences and stay up to date with the latest trends and tracks in music industry. This feature can make your music app the most loved by users and you can overtake all other similar apps in the App store easily. By this feature, users can share songs with their friends and loved ones and can also highlight their favorite tracks in the social media handles. Hence make sure you create a social media connect while developing your music streaming app.

Spotify – Push Notifications

This can be an incredible feature of your music app. People mostly like to know about the songs which their favorite celebrities’ like. They also want to know about the latest music launches of their favorite celebrities. Sending push notifications to inform users about these can make your music app highly popular. You can also send new offers and discounts to the users by using push notifications.

Offline Mode 

This is also an important feature for your music app. Using this offline mode feature, you can give your listeners the option to hear songs on the go without any dependence on the internet connection. Offline mode makes use of the device’s local storage to cache audio data of the song so that the user can play it anytime even if there is no internet connection. 


As we have just discussed it is not much difficult for you to build and launch a new music streaming app like Spotify if you will follow the whole process and steps given in this article properly. Music is no doubt very relaxing and all kinds of users whether teens, young ones or the elderly, both men and women, like to listen to music, many of them on everyday basis. Spotify is currently the most popular music streaming app and we have discussed with you all the features which you need to incorporate into your music streaming app based on the research we have done on Spotify app. And if you have read this article thoroughly then you must have got good confidence to go ahead and build your own music app and taste the success in the App Store market.


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