Full Form of Computer

Get to know more about the full form of computer

Not just an acronym, Computer is a term derived from the word “compute”, which means to calculate. In layman’s language, we can say that it is a device that can be used for faster calculations. However, this is not just enough; people have even made a full form of computer that you might not know yet!

So, COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research. But this is just a myth, and there is no such definition for a computer. The computer was invented as a calculation machine, which required space for establishment.

What is a Computer?

A computer is a device that consists of a CPU (Central Processing Unit) and memory since its general purpose is to do automatic logical and arithmetic operations.

COMPUTER = Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) + Control Unit (CU)

As it says, Arithmetic Logical Unit is a unit where all the arithmetic and logical operations are carried out. The Control Unit modifies the process order based on data stored in memory.

Earlier, the term “Computer” was given to people who would do manual numerical calculations using an abacus and slide rule. The concept of the Computer was introduced by Charles Babbage, who invented the very first mechanical computer. In the 19th century, the computer was invented, making Charles Babbage the “father of the Computer”.

A computer is a machine that uses electrical signals to manipulate raw data to produce the desired conclusion. A computer can store, retrieve, and process data. Computers are designed to run programs and provide solutions using combined hardware and software components. Computer programs run it. A computer cannot accomplish anything without a program. It depicts decimal numbers with a string of binary digits, comparable to hexadecimal numbers. Computers are presently divided into two types: PCs and Apple Mac. Companies make personal computers, and if you buy all the components for a computer, you can build your personalized computer. However, Apple is solely responsible for designing and producing these devices.

Categorization of Computer-based on generation

  1. First Generation Computers (1940 – 1956) – Based on Vacuum Tubes
  2. Second Generation Computers (1956 – 1963) – Based on Transistors
  3. Third Generation Computers (1964 – 1971) – Based on Integrated Circuits
  4. Fourth Generation Computers (1971 – Present) – Based on Microprocessors
  5. Fifth Generation Computers (Present and Beyond) – Based on Artificial Intelligence

Different Categories of Computer-based on Technology

  1. Digital Computer – A digital computer stores and manipulates data numerically. A data storage device, data input, and output mechanisms, and components for conducting mathematical operations on data are all included. Not all digital computers are powered by electricity.
  2. Analog Computer – An analog computer (also known as an analog computing system) simulates a problem using continuous variation components of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic properties.
  3. Hybrid Computer – Hybrid computers combine the best of both worlds. The analog component frequently solves differential equations and other mathematical issues, whereas the digital component controls and performs logical and numerical operations.


Q. Who invented and conceptualized Computer?

The computer was conceptualized and invented by Charles Babbage. He is also known as the “father of computers”.

Q.  What is a CPU?

CPU is a central processing unit, which is an essential part of any computer system.

Q. What are the main units of a Computer System?

A computer system has three main units –processor or CPU, memory unit, and input/output hardware.

Q. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

RAM stands for random access memory, which is a volatile memory that temporarily stores all the data you are working on. ROM stands for read-only memory, which is non-volatile memory permanently storing all the instructions for your computer.


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